An effective Mediation & Facilitation Service

A better way to settle your disputes

About Mediation

Welcome to Mel Martin Mediation.

Being in dispute or disagreement is an uncomfortable time for everyone involved. Those feelings of anger and injustice can make life miserable especially when disputes have been rumbling on for some time.

Mediation is different approach to dispute resolution. Instead of following the pathway to Court or arbitration where you will have a decision imposed upon you by a judge, we help you to discuss your disagreement and find a mutually acceptable solution.

The process is much quicker and cheaper than going to court. Mediation is a solution driven process where we are helping you to find a sustainable and agreeable resolution.

Throughout the mediation process, we aim to empower those involved to reach their own decisions and decide on their actions. Our mediator will be working to support you through the process of talking about your conflict and looking at potential solutions. All the decisions and agreements will be your own. You will not be in a position where you have anything imposed upon you.

We cannot guarantee success, but when individuals come together with a willingness to focus on a solution, we have a high success rate.

Our Mediation core areas

Reach out now, and find out how Mel Martin Mediation can help you settle your disputes

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